To us, there needs to be more communication between the Coxon and the toll vessel. They have just asked where they normally tie up and where their slip is. The Coxon is going to attempt to put them in their normal place, where they were. Also, I noticed that the toe line here is not constant. It seems to be falling in the water and then stretching. I believe it is a nylon line, so it stretches. A crew member is continually informing the Coxon of the condition of the line as we get closer to the port. The weather and water conditions are getting easier to handle as the swells and wind waves are less intense. However, for the tribal driver of the boat, it becomes trickier as there is boat traffic and a narrow channel to navigate. It takes skill and teamwork to safely bring the vessel in without hitting the jetty or rocks. The Coxon informs us that there will be some lurching, so those on the front and back need to be cautious of the swells. The crew member is providing information to the Coxon to control the vessel's movement. Currently, we are using the drogue to try and control the vessel's movement on the swell. It gets more difficult with higher resistance on the other side of the swell. The Coxon plans to bring the vessel alongside the tow time. They will slow down, drop back, and maneuver them into the narrow space available. There are recreational boaters in the area, but they are being compliant and staying out of the way. It is important for boaters to recognize and respect ongoing operations. The Coxon has asked their crew to bring in 50 feet of the line.
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Coastwise endorsement Form: What You Should Know
USCG approval. This is a requirement for some types of vessels to operate in U.S. waters. To obtain a Coast Wise Endorsement, you need to file a Petition Application with USCG. You can use the form CG-1070 for the petition. You must: 1. File the Petition Application with USCG through the form. See link to the form CG-1070. See link to form CG- 1270. You DO NOT need the USCG form. 2. Submit your passport and other appropriate documents to verify citizenship or citizenship preference. (Please see link to page 2 of form CG-1070 for complete instructions.) 3. File an application with USCG and pay the requirements. Please see link for instructions on the required filing fee. If you are not an American citizen at the time you file, you should pay the required fee by check made payable to the U.S. Government and sent to: If you are applying to operate a vessel in U.S. waters, you must file a US Coast Guard Pilot Permit to operate in the U.S.  If you do not file the license yourself, a local Coast Guard Officer can obtain a license for you. You must file the license and the application with USCG. In most U.S. areas, if you obtain your license before you start working for the crew, you may qualify for reduced fee processing when you submit the license and application. If we allow a reduction in fee, we will inform you of this policy once we process your application. You may apply for a US Coast Guard pilot permit online at, or via mail to: Department of Commerce, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration P.O. Box 943590Washington D.C. 20590 You may contact the Coast Guard at If you are using a U.S.-based vessel on which Coast Guard approval can not be obtained, you may apply for US Coast Guard approval and pay the fees, or request permission to work on a vessel while being licensed. You may apply for either of these options through the website. See link to USCG's Online Guide for Information on Licensing. If you are an American citizen who can qualify for a certificate of certification or permit working in the United States, you should apply online at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DOS) Website.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Coastwise endorsement